School Development Plan (S.D.P)

Morden primary school is a one form multi ethnic school reflecting the diversity of our local area. EAL/EMA has significantly increased over the last 5 years and continues to diversify. Our SEN numbers are significantly above National and continue to rise.

There is an increasing number of families who require support from the school and there is high unemployment in the local area. Safeguarding and the need to support vulnerable families through a multi-agency approach has considerably increased in the last 3 years.

Our school development plan follows the structure of the Ofsted judgements.

  • Quality of Education
  • Behaviour & Attitudes
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership and Management
  • EYFS provision

Section 1: Quality of Teaching

  • To raise the attainment of Pupil Premium children.
  • To raise the attainment of writing.
  • To continue to develop an outdoor learning approach as an entitlement for all children in all year groups.
  • To increase the attainment of reading.

Section 2: Behaviour & Attitudes

  • To reduce the Persistent Absenteeism across the school .
  • To improve pupil engagement and satisfaction of lunchtimes.

Section 3: Personal Development

  • To enhance pupil’s character education  – including their identity, resilience, confidence and independence – and help them know how to keep physically and mentally healthy.

Section 4: Leadership & Management

  • To engage with school staff to support workforce wellbeing (including that of SLMT).
  • To further develop the role of subject leaders in the wider curriculum to ensure consistently high standards across the school.
  • To support and develop changes in staffing over the Autumn & Spring term and upskill the workforce.

Section 5: Early Years EYFS

  • To develop Nursery and Reception to operate as a unit.
  • To increase the percentage of Nursery children meeting age related expectations, in all areas.
  • To further develop use of Evidence Me in school and at home.