Who’s Who at Morden Primary School

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Blow

Miss Diamant
Deputy Headteacher

Mr Carrington
Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion Manager

Class Teachers

Mrs Danaher
Nursery Class teacher; EYFS & KS1 Leader; Literacy Leader – Reading focus;

Mrs Hume
Reception class teacher, PE Learning Leader, Clubs Leader

Mrs Smith
Year 1 class teacher, History & Geography Learning leader

Mr Roberts
Y2 Teacher

Mrs Davies
Y3 Teacher

Mrs Barbour
Year 4 class teacher, Art & Science Learning Leader, School Council Leader, ECO Leader

Mr Tyler
Year 5 class teacher, Music & DT Learning Leader

Mrs Torreiro
Year 6 class teacher, KS2 Leader; Wider Curriculum Leader; French Learning Leader, Educational Visits Leader

Mrs Green
Year 6 sets Teacher, Y5 Maths sets teacher, Maths Learning Leader


Mrs Rogers
HLTA EAL/EMA, Parent Support Advisor (PSA), ELSA teacher

Miss Doel
HLTA Early Reading and SALT

Classroom Support Staff

Mrs Dorrian
Y4 support, First Aid; Breakfast Club Play Leader

Mrs Flint
Year 6 & Y3 support

Mrs Gerrish
EYFS support

Mrs Laslau
EYFS support

Miss Lewis
EYFS support

Mrs Lloyd
Year 4 support

Mrs Mann
Year 2 support

Mrs Messett
Year 1 support

Mrs Noonan
Year 2 support

Mrs Rajendran
Year 5 support

Mrs Reynolds
Year 6 support

Mrs Ryan
Year 5 support

Miss Smith
EYFS support

Mrs Stubbs
EYFS support + EYFS SEN Support

Mrs Tahir
Year 1/EYFS support

Miss Williams
Year 3 Support

Office and Grounds Team

Mrs Freeman
Senior Administrator, Extended Services Manager, PA to HT/SLT

Mrs Cockett
Admissions/Attendance Administrator

Miss Lilley
School Business Manager

Mr Bowtell
Site Manager

Mr Hill
IT Manager; Computing Learning Lead

Midday Supervision Team

Mrs Ryan
Senior Midday Meal Supervisor

Mrs Dyke
Midday Meal Supervisor

Mrs Hunt
Midday Supervisor & Breakfast Club Leader

Mrs Tahir
Midday Meal Supervisor

External Staff

Mrs Hold
Jjigsaw4U support worker

Mr Smith
Multi-Sports 4 All - Sport Teams Leader

Ms Zelena
Off the Record Counsellor

Mrs Lindo
Cook (employed by Caterlink)

Mrs Kumaran
Kitchen assistant (Caterlink)

Miss Chadburn
Kitchen assistant (Caterlink)