On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you to Morden Primary School.

We believe Morden is a highly successful school. This is down to our happy, friendly children; dedicated and hardworking staff; supportive parents and governors and our exciting and engaging learning environment. Working together in partnerships with parents, we strive towards our school motto - Learn, Achieve, Enjoy!

Our main school aim is to ensure that all children reach their personal best.

At Morden we have high expectations of children, staff and parents. We are very proud of the team of staff who work together to ensure that the children receive their entitlement of the best possible education. We expect parents to take an active role in their children's experience at Morden and to work with the school to ensure their child maximises their future life chances and opportunities.

Every child at Morden receives an achievement card where they can strive towards collecting stickers for showing they are trying their personal best to earn bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates and badges. Once they earn a platinum certificate, they work towards being presented with a hummingbird badge.

Why the hummingbird? In Native American culture, the hummingbird symbolizes hope for accomplishing that which seems impossible. My hope is that every child who walks through our door accomplishes their best, even if the mountain to climb seems impossible! By choosing Morden Primary for your child, you choose to work alongside us to aspire towards your child achieving their personal best - whether that's academic, sporting, or through the arts. We want exactly the same as you - The very best for your child.

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Easy Fundraising

EASYFUNDRAISING - Please do sign up - it's easy. We only have 78 supporters at present. Any time you use the internet for shopping, please consider using easyfundraising to help raise a BIG donation for Morden Primary School - at no extra cost to yourself! If you're not supporting us on easyfundraising yet, sign up here: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/mordenprimary/

Sayers Croft 2023

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Contact Us

Morden Primary School
London Road

020 8648 4168